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[拼花] 简单大方宽松春夏线衫钩衣 有图解

发表于 2016-3-2 15:40:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 上海市 联通
本帖最后由 andria1025 于 2016-5-25 15:41 编辑

184589_919520708118853_7333131921270783874_n.jpg 481360_919520714785519_4574229421758903037_n.jpg 1923653_919520704785520_5205385070231709646_n.jpg 12096469_919520751452182_122574594261872353_n.jpg


As all Anthropology crocheted items this is made in Asia so a bit of freestyle crochet is involved. Considering the pullovers are made in bulk the yarn used it the cheapest one : combination of cotton blends.
Keep in mind that the above hexagon charts are purely for inspiration the main hexagon motif  being a combination of these charts:
Without further talk here comes:

Yarn recommendation: anything medium and worsted- cotton, cotton blends ,cotton merino, merino fine to medium.
Hook: 2, 5- 3 mm ( which one fits better).

How to figure out the size:

The pullover in the picture is 38 European. This means larger sized will be obtained by working an extra row on each hexagon. Ex:  + 1 row = sizes 40-42 European , +2 rows = sizes 44 – 46 European.
The style of the pullover is casual fit oversized so keep in mind that fitting it to your size is easier than it seems.


Hexagon motif pattern:
1 .magic loop 环状起针
2. 12 dc in the loop , sl st to join, turn 圈内钩12个长针,翻转
3. Ch4, 1dc cn1 1dc ch1 , 1dc ch1 1dc in the same loop ( first corner),* 3x 1dcch1 , 1dc ch1 1dc in the same loop* (second corner), repeat ** to form the corners…last stitch is the end of the sixth corner, sl st and turn. 4个辫子针,1个长针1个辫子针1长针1辫子针,同一个针脚钩1长针1辫子针1长针,重复6次。(相当于隔1长针1辫子针加一长针1辫子针*6次,加上辫子针总计24针)
4. Repeat 3 重复上面钩法 隔2长针2辫子针加一长针1辫子针*6次,加上辫子针总计36针
Repeat the same increase in corner for the next rows as follows

5.Sc ( single crochet row)1 single crochet in each loop - in the corners 2 sc 每个针脚钩短针,6个角各添一针 总共42针
6. Sc ( single crochet row)1 single crochet in each loop - in the corners 2 sc 每个针脚钩短针,6个角各添一针 总共48针
7. Repeat row3
8. Repeat row3
9.  Sc ( single crochet row)1 single crochet in each loop - in the corners 2 sc
10. Sc ( single crochet row)1 single crochet in each loop - in the corners 2 sc
11. Repeat 3 ( last row)
Last row: you either choose to use a 0,5 larger hook( in case you work with 2,5 use a 3 mm), or you use treble crochet instead of dc.

This is the basic explanation for the hexagon.

How to form the pullover:

      Hexagon rows from top to bottom:
1.4 motifs : 1 center front , 1 center back, 2 for shoulders
2.6 motifs: 2 front, 2 back, 1 to each side
3.6 motifs : 3 front , 3 back.
You need 3 rows of 2 motifs joined down from the shoulders motif. You may need an extra row of tr crochet in order to join the shoulder motif with the first row.
Below you can find some inspirational motif charts.



Note: for the neck opening you can notice in the picture that the center front and back motifs  have an incomplete top corner.

front neck opening.jpg

For the front neck opening the top corner of the hexagon is not completed . You stop working at a half + 1 stitch starting from the 3rd row of the hexagon. Basically you only work 3 quarters of the motif.

back neck opening.jpg

For the back neck opening you will do the same thing starting only from the last row of sc.
To finish the neck opening work 3 to 4 rows of sc around the neck opening.

In order to get a straight line for the bottom of the pullover and the bottom of the sleeve you will have to work little triangles using the same principle as for the corners of the hexagon with center V stitch increase.

To finish the bottom you can knit the bottom border with simple knit and purl ( knitted elastic) working 5 to 7 rows, or you can choose to make a crocheted elastic with fpdc and bp dc.

The same applies for sleeve cuffs.

Please keep in mind that the pullover may seem quite a handful but it is far from being so. Simply give it a try and have fun. Dare and take on this crochet challenge for yourself and you’ll have a fashionable pullover to wear with skinny jeans and maxi floral dress this upcoming spring.

I hope you guys like this post and try to make this stunning Anthropology pullover.

Have fun and please share this far and wide so this free pattern will help as many as possible.

Also join us on Facebook, Pinterest and Google + for more interesting updates and projects.


喜欢钩编的姐妹们或者想要学习钩针的姐妹们,可以关注我的公众号:Andria钩针日记, ID: andriacrochet


难度: 4.0 实用性: 5.0
难度: 3 实用性: 5
123楼找到个类似的图解  发表于 2016-3-9 14:48
难度: 5 实用性: 5
  发表于 2016-3-3 08:04
漂亮  发表于 2016-3-3 07:37


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发表于 2016-3-2 15:50:47 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江省温州市 电信
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发表于 2016-3-2 15:54:12 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 四川省乐山市 电信
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发表于 2016-3-2 15:54:42 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 安徽省安庆市 电信
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发表于 2016-3-2 16:13:58 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江省衢州市 电信
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发表于 2016-3-2 16:22:00 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 四川省资阳市 联通
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发表于 2016-3-2 16:24:07 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 山东省烟台市莱阳市 联通
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发表于 2016-3-2 16:32:26 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 贵州省黔东南州 电信
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发表于 2016-3-2 16:35:16 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 辽宁省大连市 联通
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发表于 2016-3-2 16:44:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 上海市杨浦区 /虹口区电信
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