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...介、拍卖公司、没诚意者勿扰!)file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Application%20Data/Tencent/Users/524899129/QQ/WinTemp/RichOle/)LFEEU2H]2Y93ES~B9~HLAM.jpg file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Application%20Data/Tencent/Users/524899129/...

2013-03-30 21:32 - 成品交易区 - 回复0帖


...attach]19300171930016file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Application%20Data/Tencent/Users/274037723/QQ/WinTemp/RichOle/L1HZN]LEJ)11F1POAM1FXNV.jpg file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Application%20Data/Tencent/Users/27403...

2012-04-27 17:05 gxl0428 - - 回复48帖

英文的pls help

...嗎??? 有些英文詞語真的不懂! pls Adult size 23" Materials: I and J Hook 350 yds 3 ply sport weight soft yarn The yarn I used was donated to me and is a brand I've never seen before. The label says "Super Soft 3" and it's "imported by Lana Moro Inc. in New York". Caron Simply Sof...

2006-12-21 18:11 aguilera37 - - 回复1帖


本帖最后由 桐萌的妈妈 于 2015-11-21 13:17 编辑 早就喜欢花稚!论坛的大师级的前辈们好多都钩了这款花稚。刚开始流行的时候,我刚刚拾起钩针,只能钩一些简单的围巾披肩类的,孩子的毛衣还是不敢轻易的...

2015-11-20 15:43 桐萌的妈妈 - 儿童毛衣(钩针) - 回复5帖



2015-12-09 12:07 桐萌的妈妈 - 披肩围巾帽子(钩针) - 回复5帖


3207971file:///C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Tencent\Users\845003614\QQ\WinTemp\RichOle\]`3%8RI8)Q(4(YM{`BJN5YF.jpgfile:///C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Tencent\Users\845003614\QQ\WinTemp\RichOle\]`3%8RI8)...

2014-03-28 20:53 845003614 - 棒针编织作品秀 - 回复49帖


...yarn in the following colors: white (approx. 300 grams), black, mint green and pale pink. C hook (2.5 mm), a tapestry needle, stuffing, colored sewing pins and scissors. Stitches used in the Project: Double adjustable ring, single crochet, single crochet through back loops only, half double croc...

2012-02-16 15:53 111111tl - 国外精品翻译区 - 回复22帖



2015-11-16 11:43 桐萌的妈妈 - 披肩围巾帽子(棒针) - 回复11帖



2016-03-22 21:47 桐萌的妈妈 - 儿童毛衣(钩针) - 回复55帖


...-14 inch 3 White sport weight Balls With No. 4 Needles cast on 46 sts. and work in K 1, P. 1, ribbing, for 4 inches. Next Row increase 1 st. in each st. across row (92 sts. on needle). Change to No. 8 Needle and knit 1 row. Now work in pattern as follows: Lace pattern is worked on a multiple...

2011-07-14 13:55 accountantlu - - 回复15帖



2015-08-31 14:56 桐萌的妈妈 - 儿童毛衣(钩针) - 回复9帖


Row 7: Skip one stitch and work 2 SC in the next stitch. Work 2 SC in the next 4 stitches. Work 1 SC decrease in the next two stitches. Work another 1 SC decrease in the next two stitches. Work 1 SC in the next two stitches. Work 2 SC in the next. Work 1 SC in the next. Work 1 SC decrease in the ...

2013-10-10 11:16 buyuwawa - - 回复0帖


file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Application%20Data/Tencent/Users/7118608/QQ/WinTemp/RichOle/6WJV] file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Application%20Data/Tencent/Users/7118608/QQ/WinTemp/RichOle/LAROOYFGAX[1S7S08K7Y95L.jpg[...

2011-01-18 21:33 qaqa - 其他手工编织技法 - 回复3帖


...es in circumferenceThe BottomWith the Main Yarn and the double pointed needles, cast on 8 stitches.Place a stitch marker and join for working in the round, being careful to not twist your stitches.Round 1: Knit into the front and bac...

2012-05-25 11:26 tianzhise - (棒针)女装图库 - 回复10帖


... twisted tog, repeat. Row 2: If in the round you purl next round, if back and forth turn and knit your row back and turn. Row 3: P4, insert needle between the 2 dec 2 rows below, pull yarn through and make a long st and slip it on right needle, P2, make 1 more long st in the same spot as first one...

2010-12-14 15:54 fenfen45688 - - 回复17帖



2012-04-30 20:39 huanruyan - - 回复1帖


...TCH( multiple of 6 sts plus 1) Row 1(WS) K in front,back,front,back and front of next st(to make 5 sts in1),*SKP,K1,K2tong,K in front,back,front,back and front of next st(to make 5 sts in1);rep from * to end. Row 2,4,6 and 8 purl.Row 3K5,*K3tog,k5;rep from * to end. Row 5 SKP,K1,K2tog, *K i...

2008-08-28 11:58 mioumiou - - 回复5帖


给桐桐织了条围脖,萌萌看到了也要。去年给她钩了一条围脖,那今天也织一条吧。先织搓板针,然后又织了一段双桂花针。 用线是小虫家的茧翼,线线真的很好,颜色艳丽好看,...

2015-12-09 11:51 桐萌的妈妈 - 披肩围巾帽子(棒针) - 回复6帖


本帖最后由 桐萌的妈妈 于 2016-12-12 15:14 编辑 此款围巾真是超喜欢,不同的材质不同的颜色出来的效果都是不同的,唯一相同的就是:每款都超喜欢。 趁着双11,买了一斤的九色鹿卡蜜拉...

2016-12-12 13:04 桐萌的妈妈 - 披肩围巾帽子(钩针) - 回复39帖


...e stitch on US #4/3.5mm needles PATTERN NOTES Achieving the recommended gauge is not crucial for this project. However, it is desirable to knit the pieces -- particularly the body -- tightly enough that the stuffin...

2007-07-22 02:28 lini - - 回复64帖