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转 炫色马海毛 半买半送

...颜色如图片所示 图1:knits乐编绒线 炫色马海 含绒线20%马海20%其余羊毛,30克/团,共9团,&#...

2017-01-10 17:00 可可芸 - - 回复8帖

R网付费图解 棒针 求翻译

... could be off) Notes: This sweater is worked seamlessly top-down. Start knitting the collar separated with yarn B, then picked up the stitches from the long edge of the collar for the yoke and then knitted top down in one piece with yarn A. Create the shoulder with the „slanted contiguous ...

2016-01-23 20:36 annzhang73 - 国外精品翻译区 - 回复2帖

...t color scrap yarn and crochet hook, chain 12. With shawl yarn pick up and knit 7 sts in the bumps on the back side of the center 7 chains - 7 sts. Row 1: knit. Row 2: yo, k2tog, k5. Repeat these two rows 83 times. There are 83 garter ridges. After the last row (row 2), you have yo, k2tog, k5 (7 s...

2007-04-10 18:15 blissjoy - - 回复24帖


...; rep from * across, end with k1. Row 2: K the purl sts and p the knit sts. Rep Row 2 for Seed st. NOTES: Body and Sleeves are worked back and forth on circular needle to armhole, then joined and worked in one piece for yoke. Circular needle i...

2011-03-10 06:24 bonnieswork - - 回复110帖


...er]https://ruyi-knit.taobao.com/ 淘宝店更加一目了然,购物更方便[/fon...

2019-10-22 16:00 睿妈妈 - - 回复9帖



2021-05-18 23:00 睿妈妈 - - 回复3帖

130张真人秀合集 编织人生有你们更精彩!

....bianzhirensheng.com/bzpic/allimg/120611/01243232W-16.jpg Yina lets knit series 2012 封面款 短袖V领镂空毛衣 http://www.bianzhirensheng.com/a/4863.html http://www.bianzhirensheng.com/bzpic/allimg/120609/0S5093962-5.jpg[/i...

2012-09-01 09:27 酋长 - 棒针精品待选区 - 回复1414帖

【归档】2019年披肩图库汇总贴 (第二季)

...pg.thumb.jpg166、【新提醒】Waterlily-for knitting of triangular and rhombic Shawls_(棒针)服装配饰&家居_编织人生论坛 - https://bbs.bianzhirensheng.com/thread-2085759-1-1.html[al...

2019-02-20 10:44 蝴蝶石 - (棒针)服装配饰&家居图库 - 回复20帖