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楼主: yxLiao

[求翻译] (已解決) Hugo 漂亮的斗蓬

发表于 2014-11-8 15:54:56 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 台湾省台北市 中华电信

大好评的雨果披肩,今日决定加码中文翻译,除了需要留意的小麻花针(Cable A),大部份都是顺手的下针,作法相当简单,文中保留了原文的部分,让想学习阅读英文织图的织友参考欧:

Gauge:16 stiches x 22 rows = 10 cm/ 4”

Needles:circular 5.0mm/ US 8

4 markers
4 记号圈

pm – placemarker, sm – slip marker, rm – remove marker
pm - 放置记号圈, sm - 滑过记号圈, rm - 移除记号圈

m1 (make 1)

make one

make one

Cable A: 4针一个花样
C2F C2B.jpg
Cable B: 8针一个花样
CableA + 4针下针。

Caston 96 stitches and join into round. make * 4 knits, 4 purls * for 45 rows.

Nextrow: purl all stitches.

Row 1:sm, make Cable A, knit 20, pm, make Cable A, knit 20, pm, make Cable A, knit20, pm, make Cable A, knit 20.
Row 1:滑过记号圈(Cable A一次, 20下针, 放置记号圈)再重复括号2次,之后Cable A一次, 20下针

Row 2:*m1, sm, knit 4, m1, knit to the next marker *, repeat 3 more times
Row 2:(加一针, 滑过记号圈, 4下针, 加一针, 下针直到下个记号圈) 再重复括号3次,

Row A:*sm, make Cable A, knit to the next marker *, repeat 3 more times
Row A:(滑过记号圈, Cable A一次, 下针直到下个记号圈) 再重复括号3次,
Row B:(加一针, 滑过记号圈, 4下针, 加一针, 下针直到下个记号圈) 再重复括号3次,

Makerow 1 and 2 once and rows A and B 25 times. Row 2 and every row B gives 8increases.
制作 Row 1&2 一次,制作 Row A&B 25次

Row1’: sm, make Cable A, knit to the next marker, rm, knit to the next marker, sm,make Cable A, knit to the next marker, rm, knit to the end of the row.
Row1’: (滑过记号圈, Cable A一次, 下针直到下个记号圈, 移除记号圈, 下针直到下个记号圈, 滑过记号圈, Cable A一次, 下针直到下个记号圈, 滑过记号圈, 下针到底

Row2’: *m1, sm, knit 4, m1, knit to the next marker *, repeat 1 more time
Row2’: (加一针, 滑过记号圈, 4下针, 加一针, 下针直到下个记号圈) 再重复括号1次

RowA’: *sm, make Cable A, knit to the next marker *, repeat 1 more time
RowA’: (滑过记号圈, Cable A一次, 下针直到下个记号圈) 再重复括号1次

RowB’: * m1, sm, knit 4, m1, knit to the next marker *, repeat 1 more time
RowB’: (加一针, 滑过记号圈, 4下针, 加一针, 下针直到下个记号圈) 再重复括号1次
Make row 1’ and 2’ once and rowsA’ and B’ until desired length (about 25 times).
制作 row 1’ &2’ 一次,然后制作 rows A’ & B’ 直到合适的长度(大约重复25次)

Countthe stitches between cables. The number should be divisible by 8 + 4 (eg.25*8+4=204). If not, add evenly placed stitches in the last row to get thisnumber.
计算一下针数,这时的针数应该要等于 8的倍数加上4针 (例如. 25*8+4=204).如果不是这个针数,继续编织直到符合这个算式

*Nextrow: repeat Cable B to the end of the row
(下一行: 重复执行 Cable B一整行

Nextrow: knit all stitches *,

repeat2 more times these 2 rows

*Nextrow: repeat Cable A to the end of the row
(下一行: 重复执行 Cable A一整行

Nextrow: knit all stitches *,

repeat2 more times these 2 rows

Nextrow: purl all stitches.

Castoff all stitches. Weave in loose ends, soak in water and leave flat to dry


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发表于 2014-11-16 17:46:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 重庆市沙坪坝区 电信
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发表于 2015-2-18 23:33:12 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 江西省上饶市玉山县 无限网吧
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发表于 2015-3-12 13:51:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 江苏省苏州市 电信
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发表于 2015-3-23 09:24:30 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 江苏省南京市 电信
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