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[无图解] 长款手套 选软软的线 图片加文字说明

发表于 2010-1-12 14:58:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 广东省珠海市 电信
merinostripes-gauntlets1.jpg merino-stripes-guantlets.jpg
; C! B0 |3 U; T- c; \# g
; w$ m2 J! i& E4 S3 l; b' P: V3 H* R) d* M3 T0 F1 S" H
# m+ d7 N5 n/ B, Z! E
Merino Stripes Cabled  Gauntlets Designed and Knit by Cathy Campbell

( H" c' k1 Z' |% k7 m2 r
2 - 50 gr. balls Merino Stripes* f* p) L; ?0 d7 q9 g! R3 f
(Pair photo uses color #028  "Sierra Moss")5 j3 [' v! q5 G8 f3 O
Crystal Palace Bamboo Needles

- w4 ]% f- u$ @7 USize 8 (check gauge to decide your needle size.)" A6 D0 ?3 N8 I1 y" x  I$ y
14 sts/4 inches in St st

( h% q3 g$ c: W/ g- S
Size (elbow length): 14?
; T8 c  N' [) p2 ^8 K; KMaterials: CPY Merino Stripes #028, 2 balls
4 w" y) F8 q+ |/ b# @CPY Bamboo 9?Single-Pointed Needles, US #8
) Y, q4 G7 ?. u' P
Abbreviations: 5 g: O( ]4 i2 k8 s% Z
Ssk=slip, slip, knit= slip the next 2 st knitwise, one at a time onto working needle, then knit them together with other needle + ?( P' k+ _" ]  M- ^/ ]# V
M1-p=make one purlwise=insert needle into band between stitches, place on other needle, and purl
& H& K2 e" ^" V! v" F: g( o: |- A8 SMake 2: 5 E% i! l& f* Y8 }2 ^2 T
1. CO 38 sts.
, b( w7 T0 n2 h& n5 Z+ ~% m  S- w$ w2. Work the following 2 rows for 16 rows: ! o$ l- X, o' L4 H" j; b
RS: (k3, p2) 7x, k31 S; _$ I# v& S; m* M' S$ Q
WS: (p3, k2) 7x, p3
8 M$ I: K* [2 u* j4 j3. Work the following dec row once: (k3, p2 tog)2x, k3, p2, k2, ssk, k2 tog, k2, p2, (k3, p2tog) 2x, k3 6 N, Z# I" q9 d6 g0 X
4. Work the following row once: (p3, k1) 2x, p3, k2, p6, k2, (p3, k1), 2x, p3 ! B: }7 V5 \% ^: D' d! o
5. Work cable row once: (k3, p1) 2x, k3, p2, sl 3 onto cable needle and hold at back of work, k3, k3 on cable needle, p2 (k3, p1) 2x, k3. : e" m7 r1 W8 H* ]/ R& U; Z
6. Work the following row once: (p3, k1) 2x, p3, k2, p6, k2, (p3, k1), 2x, p3
2 @! {" D% ^4 t7 w% ]2 q+ b7. Work the following 2 rows for 2?(10 rnds):
1 U& c+ k9 j$ V7 g) l# eRS: (K3, p1) 2x, k3, p2, k6, p2 (k3, p1) 2x, k3
$ K1 |5 d/ F+ R9 kWS: (p3, k1) 2x, p3, k2, p6, k2, (p3, k1), 2x, p3
1 ?9 A6 F- H" @) o+ L8. Work cable row (Step #5). 0 a5 N! c( R- ^* E
9. Repeat steps #6, 7, and 8, 2x more. % Z/ N- z& X; ?) T9 S, c) M# M$ K
10. Work the following row once: (p3, k1) 2x, p3, k2, p6, k2, (p3, k1), 2x, p3
' ~' G9 I' t* ]- I1 E' z: C9 x/ R11. Work the following inc row once: (k3, p1, m1-p) 2x, k3, p2, k2, (k1, p1) in same st, (p1, k1) in same st, k2, p2 (k3, p1, m1-p) 2x, k3.
; ?* T: y1 b5 q12. Work the following 2 rows for 2?(10 rows): ! ]) p/ m6 W& x) j  H
WS: (p3, k2) 7x, p3
* _9 |' ~! [& ^3 VRS: (k3, p2) 7x, k3 , M& ^8 H) L5 r+ t2 h3 G
13. Work the following row once: (p3, k2) 7x, p3
  l: f" b/ [7 e14. Work the following inc row once: (k3, p2, m1-p) 7x, k3. : ]- d' e! h0 _& ?/ y/ V( f# W; W0 m
15. Work the following two rows for 3?(16 rows):
" x% |/ G5 G& iWS: (p3, k3) 7x, p3
' Y1 I; D, R6 z6 y! t9 o4 YRS: (k3, p3) 7x, k3
. q2 [) a: t6 ^16. BO loosely in pattern.
, K) t: j* }( V$ WUsing Mattress stitch or seam stitch of your choice, sew up seam. Weave in ends. 9 D. P* D' C4 L" {; |" i
Note: You will have a lot of the 2nd ball left over. Make a scarf to go with your gauntlets?
; }; L, x% j5 _7 Y) K/ I! _' V


参与人数 1人参果 +5 收起 理由
ion + 5 编织人生有你更精彩^_^


发表于 2010-1-12 15:13:59 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 安徽省淮北市 电信
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发表于 2010-1-14 15:42:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 江苏省扬州市 联通
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发表于 2010-1-14 15:42:46 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 江苏省扬州市 联通
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发表于 2010-1-14 16:46:48 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 喀麦隆
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发表于 2010-3-24 08:07:45 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 山东省潍坊市 电信
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发表于 2010-7-6 14:44:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 广东省广州市 电信
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发表于 2010-7-6 17:42:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 河南省许昌市 电信
呵呵 冬天穿起来暖和
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发表于 2010-7-14 09:54:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 河南省焦作市 移动
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发表于 2010-8-17 22:22:15 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 北京市 联通
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