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[无图解] 钩针男士毛衣

发表于 2005-7-5 10:17:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 河南省平顶山市 电信
  Crocheted Fisherman Pullover

This classic crocheted Fisherman sweater will be a welcomed addition to any man's wardrobe. Cable and raised double crochet stitches create the rich textures. It's a challenging pattern, but well worth the effort!

Sizes: Directions are for Medium (38, 40). Changes for Large (42, 44), Extra Large (46) are in parentheses.

Stitch (st or sts)
Chain (ch)
Single crochet (sc)
Yarn over (yo)
Raised Double Crochet (RDC) -- Yo, insert hook from front around post of next sc 2 rows below, pull up a loop (yo and pull through 2 loops) twice.

35 (38, 41) ozs. [990 (1089, 1188) gms] worsted-weight yarn.
Size H crochet hook or size to obtain gauge
Size J crochet hook or size to obtain gauge
Pattern stitch on size J hook: 3 sts = 1"
25 rows = 7"
Ribbing: With smaller hook, ch 12.
Row 1: Wrong side. Sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch across - 11 sc. Do not chain. Turn.
Row 2: Right side. Sc in back loop of first and each sc across. Ch1, turn.
Row 3: Sc in back loop of first and each sc across. Do not chain. Turn. Repeat rows 2 and 3 until 65 (69, 73) rows have been completed. Fasten off.

Foundation Row
With smaller hook, join along edge of ribbing. Work 1 sc in each row along long edge of ribbing - 65 (69, 73) sts. Ch 1, turn. Change to larger hook.
Row 1: Wrong side. Sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn.
Row 2: Right side. Sc in each of next 2 (4, 6) sc, [yo, insert hook from front around post of next sc 2 rows below, pull up a loop, (yo and pull through 2 loops) twice - raised double crochet -RDC; 1 RDC in next sc 2 rows below, skip the 2 sts behind the 2 RDC at the top, 1 sc in each of next 5 sc]; repeat from [ to ] 3 times more, (1 RDC around post of sc 2 rows below, 1 sc in next sc) 3 times; 1 sc in next 4 sc; repeat from [ to ] 3 times, 1 RDC around post of each of next 2 sc 2 rows below, 1 sc in each of last 2 (4, 6) sc. Ch 1, turn.
Row 3 and all wrong side rows: 1 sc in each sc and in each RDC across row. Ch 1, turn. Row 4: Sc in 2 (4, 6) sc, [RDC around next 2 RDC, sc in next 5 sc] 4 times; (RDC around next RDC, sc in next sc) 3 times; sc in next 4 sc; repeat between [ ] 3 times, RDC around next 2 RDC, sc in next 2 (4, 6) sc. Ch1, turn. Repeat Rows 3 and 4 until 16" from beginning, ending with a wrong side row.

Shape Raglan Armholes:
Row 1: right side. Slip st cross first 2 sc, ch 1, work in pattern as established to within last 4 sts, work next st in pattern as established, sc in next st, leave off last 2 sts. Ch 1, turn.
Row 2: Sc in first st, dec 1 sc - draw up a loop in each of 2 sts, yo draw through all loops on hook, work pattern as established to last 3 sts, decrease 1 st, sc in end st. Ch 1, turn.
Row 3: Work in pattern as established always working first and last st in sc. Repeat the last 2 rows 19 (20, 21) times more - 21 (23, 25) sts. Fasten off.

Work ribbing and foundation row same as for back - 65 (69, 73) sts. Change to larger hook.
Row 1: Wrong side. Sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn.
Row 2: Right side. 1 sc in each of next 2 (4, 6) sc, [1 RDC in each of next 2 sc 2 rows below, skip 2 sts behind RDC at the top, 1 sc in each of next 5 sc] repeat between [ ] 2 more times, 1 RDC in each of next 2 sc 2 rows below; Central Panel - 1 sc in each of next 2 sc, (1 RDC in sc 2 rows below, 1 sc in next sc) 5 times, 1 RDC in next sc 2 rows below, 1 sc in each of next 2 sc (end of Central Panel); repeat from [ to ] 3 times, I RDC in each of next 2 sc 2 rows below, 1 sc in each of last 2 (4, 6) sc. Ch 1 turn.
Row 3 and all wrong side rows: Sc in each sc and in each RDC across -65 (69, 73) sts. Ch 1, turn.
Row 4 and 6: 1 sc in each of next 2 (4, 6) sc, [1 RDC around post of each of next 2 RDC 2 rows below, (1 sc in each of next 5 sc, 1 RDC around post of each of next 2 RDC 2 rows below) 3 times]; 1 sc in each of next 2 sc, (1 RDC around post of RDC 2 rows below, 1 sc in next sc) 5 times; 1 RDC around post of RDC 2 rows below, 1 sc in each of next 2 sc; repeat from [ to ], end 1 sc in each of last 2 (4, 6) sc. Ch 1, turn.
Row 8: Work even in pattern as established over first and last 25 (27, 29) sts. Central Panel: 1 sc in each of next 3 sc, 1 RDC around post of first RDC 2 rows below, 1 sc in next st, 1 RDC around post of 2nd RDC 2 rows below, skip 1 sc and next RDC; 1 long RDC (pull up so work is flat) around post of next RDC 2 rows below, 1 sc in skipped sc, 1 long RDC around post of first skipped RDC (first criss-cross completed). RDC around post of next RDC, 1 sc in next st, 1 RDC around post of last RDC, 1 sc in each of next 3 sc. Row 10: Work even in pattern as established over first and last 25 (27, 29) sts, 1 sc in each of next 4 sc, 1 RDC around post of first RDC, skip next sc and RDC, 1 RDC around post of next RDC 2 rows below, 1 RDC around post of skipped RDC 2 rows below (criss-cross made), skip 3 sts at the top; 1 sc in next sc, skip next RDC below, 1 RDC around post of next RDC 2 rows below; work 1 RDC under post of RDC just completed (Note: Push completed RDC forward so you can get under last criss-cross made) and around post of skipped RDC 2 rows below, 1 RDC around post of last RDC 2 rows below, skip 3 sts at the top, 1 sc in each of next 4 sts. Note: Begin with next pattern row we will give instructions for the center 15 sts only, continue in established sc and rib pattern over first and last 25 (27, 29) sts. Be careful to see that you pick up correct RDC for it may be underneath and not too visible. It is a good idea to check number of sts on wrong side row to make sure you haven't lost any.
Row 12: 1 sc in 4 sc, skip first RDC, 1 RDC around post of next RDC 2 rows below, 1 RDC around post of skipped RDC, skip next RDC and sc, 1 long RDC around post of RDC 2 rows below, 1 sc in skipped sc, 1 RDC around post of skipped RDC, skip next RDC, 1 RDC around post of last RDC; RDC under post of last RDC inside and around post of skipped RDC 2 rows below, 1 sc in each of next 4 sc - 3 criss-cross completed.
Row 14: 1 sc in each of next 3 sc, 1 RDC around post of first RDC 2 rows below, 1 sc in next sc, skip next RDC, 1 RDC around post of next RDC 2 rows below, 1 RDC around post of skipped RDC 2 rows below, 1 sc in next sc, skip next RDC, 1 RDC around post of next RDC 2 rows below, 1 RDC under post of last RDC made and around post of skipped RDC 2 rows below, 1 sc in next sc, 1 RDC around post of last RDC 2 rows below, 1 sc in each of next 3 sc.
Row 16: 1 sc in each of next 2 sts, 1 RDC around post of first RDC 2 rows below, 1 sc in next sc, 1 RDC around post of next RDC 2 rows below, 1 sc in next sc, skip next RDC below and next sc, 1 RDC around post of next RDC 2 rows below, 1 sc in skipped sc, 1 RDC around post of skipped RDC 2 rows below, 1 sc in next sc, 1 RDC around post of next RDC 2 rows below, 1 sc in next sc, 1 RDC around post of last RDC 2 rows below, 1 sc in each of last 2 sc.

Rows 18, 20, 22, 24: Same as Row 4. Repeat from Row 3 through 24 for pattern stitch. Work even in pattern until 14 (15, 16) armhole decreases have been completed - 33 (35, 37) sts remain.

Shape Neck
Left Side: Work across first 12 (13, 14) sts as established, leaving remaining sts unworked. Ch1, turn. Keeping to pattern, continue raglan shaping to correspond to back. At the same time, decrease 1 st at neck edge every row 2 (2, 3) times, then every other row 3 (4, 4) times. Work raglan shaping until 1 st remains. Fasten off. Right side. Row 1: With right side facing, skip next (center) 9 sts on last complete row worked. Join yarn in next st, ch 1, complete row in pattern - 12 (13, 14) sts. Work to correspond to left side, reversing all shaping.

Work lower rib to correspond to back for 37 (39, 41) rows. Fasten off. Foundation Row: Right side. Work 41 (45, 47) sc along long edge of rib. Change to larger hook.
Row 1: Work sc across - 41 (45, 47) sc. Ch1, turn.
Row 2: 1 sc in 4 (6, 7) sc, (2 RDC, 1 sc in 5 sc) 2 times, ( 1 RDC, 1 sc) 2 times, 1 RDC, (5 sc, 2 RDC) 2 times, 1 sc in 4 (6, 7) sc. Work in pattern as established, increasing 1 st each side every 6th row 5 (5, 6) times (to increase - work first st, work 2 sts in next st, work to within last 2 sts, work 2 sts in next st, work last st). Work all increase sts in sc - 51 (55, 59) sts. Work even until 18 (19, 20)" from beginning, or desired length to underarm, ending with wrong side row.

Shape Raglan Cap
Work same as for back armhole, ending with 7 (9, 11) sts remaining. Fasten off.

Sew raglan seams, aligning rows so that each RDC row of sleeve meets corresponding RDC row of front and back. Sew side and sleeve seams.

With right side facing, join yarn at center back neck. Rnd 1: Right side. With smaller hook, draw up a loop and ch 1, sc evenly around neck, taking in slightly to fit. Join with a slip st in first ch 1. Ch1, turn.
Rnd 2: Sc in each sc around, decreasing 1 st at each point of seam (4 sts decreased). Join with a slip st. Fasten off. With smaller hook, ch 7. Work Row 1, then Rows 2 and 3 as for lower ribbing for back. Repeat these 2 rows until piece (slightly stretched) fits around neck, ending with a right side row. Fasten off. Sew short edges of ribbing. With seam at center back, sew band to neck edge.

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of these instructions. We cannot be responsible, however, for variances in individual techniques, human errors or typographical mistakes.
发表于 2005-7-5 10:24:15 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 广东省 中国联通(各分公司通用)
发表于 2005-7-5 11:08:40 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江省温州市 电信
发表于 2005-7-5 11:26:51 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 河北省保定市阜平县 联通
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