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2013-12-03 13:27 伤心晓妖 - - 回复2帖


... llsjy 于 2014-3-5 14:24 编辑 意大利“至尊猫牌”雷丝型100%羊毛驼绒,3/7000支 ,手感超糯、柔软、洗水后超滑、超保暖。羊驼绒来说、此次猫牌的质量可以说到达极端,请姐妹...

2014-03-05 14:15 llsjy - - 回复0帖


...14 11:40 编辑 意大利“至尊猫牌”雷丝型100%羊毛驼绒,3/7000支 ,手感超糯、柔软、洗水后超滑、超保暖。羊驼绒来说、此次猫牌的质量可以说到达极端,请姐妹...

2014-03-05 14:21 llsjy - 二手线交易区 - 回复10帖

出售八骏图纯手工成品十字绣 有图

...]背面细节2949389 成品尺寸: 长160cm 宽 50cm 联系方...

2013-11-21 21:12 爱简单べ_ - - 回复0帖


...1 23:22 编辑 此《红楼群芳图》成品经过本人纯手工绣制而成。正面方向一致,拉线均匀。背面经过埋线处理,无疙瘩,无线头。底布为土黄色,270cm*110cm的K100...

2013-10-29 11:11 - 成品交易区 - 回复0帖



2018-07-26 15:16 syum4 - - 回复3帖

狐狸毛领全身100%羊毛填充长款棉衣超低价转让 降价出售了

... 仅此一件不退不换 200块白菜价了,太大放着我也不穿的 ...

2013-12-02 19:49 游学者 - - 回复10帖


gap看上的一款宝宝毛衣,求高手仿件,出图解呗! 5481888 5481889

2016-11-25 04:56 mino小甜 - 儿童毛衣(棒针) - 回复4帖



2014-02-25 16:23 海芋aya - - 回复6帖

便宜转纯手工梦幻柔美围巾披肩 陆续上新中

...0000] 奶白色塞墨勒披肩:外边长:225厘米 内边长:180厘米 宽:50厘米 材料:奶白色马海 夹银豆豆和金豆豆 大气 手感柔软 膨...

2013-09-04 16:07 魅力编织生活 - 成品交易区 - 回复83帖



2015-03-01 20:56 旋转蒸发 - 棒针编织作品秀 - 回复13帖


...in) Make 1 new stitch in the gap by making a backwards loop on the right needle and continue knitting the hand until it measures 2 inches from where you divided for thumb. Distribute your stitches on to 2 double pointed needles, (needle #1 and needle #2)...

2013-12-30 10:32 marsling - 国外精品翻译区 - 回复33帖


...uch younger in their attitudes than previous generations so the generation gap has diminished and formal rules of upbringing which saw children seen but not heard have completely disappeared."   《传奇》杂志的艾玛索姆斯称:“如今,年长的女性心态比前辈们更年轻...

2011-04-07 09:11 梦雪若樱 - 休闲聊天区 - 回复0帖

...ull out the yarn from the first leg you left for sewing later, through the gap between the legs. So it doesn’t come to your way while crocheting. You will use this yarn to sew this gap after body is done and stuffed. R18-25: 18 sc R26: *Inv.dec.1, sc1* x6 (12) R27-29: 12 sc Tie off leaving lon...

2013-06-01 12:29 milky1314 - - 回复13帖


...in) Make 1 new stitch in the gap by making a backwards loop on the right needle and continue knitting the hand until it measures 2 inches from where you divided for thumb. Distribute your stitches on to 2 double pointed needles, (needle #1 and needle #2)...

2013-12-30 10:37 marsling - 国外精品翻译区 - 回复5帖

(尺寸在首页)织出一个属于自己的暖冬 --- 今年必不可少的长款围脖套(附图解)

...平时逛商店的时候,也会发现,不论大牌小牌,H&M, zara, gap, burberry...... 都不约而同的推出了各种各样的围脖套。去年冬天就一直想着给自己织一条,无奈时间有限。 今年天刚一冷,就放下手边正在进行的衣服,为自己织了个温...

2010-12-10 04:39 pinkbubble - 披肩围巾帽子(棒针) - 回复371帖

编织人生有你更精彩 2014年1-2月男士篇

... heihei1110----马年的礼物 http://bbs.bianzhirensheng.com/...

2014-03-11 20:44 丰采 - 棒针精品待选区 - 回复148帖

...Short row pair 3: Continuing with RSfacing, k32 (until 2 sts remain before gap from previous turning), turn; withWS facing, slp 1, p28 (to last 3 sts on before beg of rnd), p2tog, p1, do notturn. Short row pair 4: Continuing with WSfacing, p32 (until 2 sts remain before gap from...

2020-08-07 16:58 louiseli - 棒针编织作品秀 - 回复20帖


...a http://www.furla.com G2000 http://www.g2000.com.hk Gap http://www.gap.com Giorgio Armani http://www.giorgioarmani.com Givenchy http://www.givenchy.com/default.php GOLDEN HEART http://www.sh-stx.com/ Gucci http://www.gucci.com[/...

2006-07-14 10:39 hpeng - - 回复25帖