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[无图解] 漂亮的短袖衫

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发表于 2006-2-12 17:31:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 北京市通州区 联通

' a0 p4 M7 u. M; _- E* ^) z                               
 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-12 17:32:47 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 北京市通州区 联通
, P9 V- i- X6 x
 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-12 18:12:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 北京市通州区 联通
* E( f1 a# O6 U9 YXS [S, M, L, XL, XXL]
3 V& _1 R9 M0 B  
+ K2 n8 t+ L6 K  ^" l+ l; e2 nFINISHED MEASUREMENTS  2 M1 C7 s" V! \
Chest: 30/32 [34/36, 38/40, 42/44, 46/48, 50/52] inches
# u! h& U1 _. N( l5 x/ f% jLength: 19 [20, 21, 22, 23, 24] inches2 Q# Z9 e2 `  }, g6 j5 y
7 O  Q  D# U1 F6 A: K. u
! g( s6 }$ F1 P/ K. H- y0 ~MATERIALS
7 w5 i2 m% w, V0 H/ k& d) [
4 q& K- `/ k. l2 J2 o$ } Cascade Indulgence [70% superfine alpaca, 30% angora; 123 yards/ 110m per 50g hank]; color: #536, Orange; 7 [8, 9, 10, 11, 12] skeins
# u: Z" G6 d$ x  W/ V6 a4 o5 m" R: b% S& I+ A$ r2 j
1 set US #5/3.75mm double-point needles ) h7 q& A8 i7 F% V
1 set US #6/4mm double-point needles' a0 W# G( m/ h: a3 H$ N" m
1 24 inch or 32 inchUS #5/3.75mm circular needle
9 [! o; f3 ]/ @( g  O3 p! s. Q0 z 1 24 inch or 32 inch US #6/4mm circular needle) C& q7 ]5 V' q  d
A longer US #6/4mm circular needle maybe desired for working the yoke7 F1 y; z" Y" k
Cable needle
; ]* |$ R% _8 I0 @1 R 4 stitch holders
: [% {3 n" N, ~# z6 [# d; T # j' N  x( K4 E( s/ b: V
: r' S% o' O: x, X$ f. V
9 n! h) c3 {. ]7 x
& D' b5 ~" |% R5 S0 B: ~) s9 Y23 stitches/32 rows = 4" over cable pattern, blocked
5 g5 r$ a$ I9 q- t+ N
/ X9 E: _; [; _# `, ^( {" _( _[Knitty's list of standard abbreviations can be found here] 1 M1 X8 T- m; _" z* A7 w: V* S
STITCH PATTERNS * t* ^: p0 ^+ p
4x2 Rib
$ f  @/ t) k, w9 g[P4, k2] around.
4 }* g5 i# r; @# D+ b/ t' q
+ p  f& i3 x. KCable stitches! u, I# w- E7 ~* k3 E9 ?. e. K0 T; z
T3B: Slip next st to cable needle and hold to back of work. Knit the next 2 sts. Purl st from cable needle.3 o% p; M0 H6 o6 c0 Y1 m9 \; ^  `
( f" N- b: _$ P4 s/ N4 I
T3F: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and hold to front of work. Purl the next st. Knit the 2 sts from the cable needle.
' Y$ t( \- o, J5 e0 I4 b$ {, x7 v7 E: V" i* [+ z9 f  Y/ a$ c
Cable Pattern
' d9 a& ~- G% B1 R  HRound 1: [P3, T3B] around./ {: U& d7 u2 y1 K0 V
Round 2: P3, [k2, p4] to last st, p1., o0 I; `8 M9 t8 r
Round 3: P2, [T3B, p3] repeat to last 4 sts, T3B, p1.
% N: m% Q3 T6 IRound 4: P2, [k2, p4] to last 4 sts, k2, p2.( U; u, J( s$ ]& P+ ~, a
Round 5: P1, [T3B, p3] to last 5 sts, T3B, p2.5 @- s& A$ K2 O
Round 6: P1, [k2, p4] to last 5 sts, k2, p3.: k* A8 ]. Q+ S/ X' M( m2 [3 `" B
Round 7: [T3B, p3] around.+ N9 A! A: Y9 e* m9 D: M
Round 8: [K2, p4] around.% f- Z  [2 o7 R5 ?+ |
Round 9: [T3F, p3] around.7 h8 w0 h5 P, t" q: ~- o
Round 10: P1, [k2, p4] to last 5 sts, k2, p3.) [& q9 I' ^, H, f
Round 11: P1, [T3F, p3] to last 5 sts, T3F, p1.
4 o0 B5 |4 q8 e9 r! R; ?. `4 O3 |% z$ }Round 12: P2, [k2, p4] to last 4 sts, k2, p2.; C- k7 q  d3 c5 Z4 Y7 S
Round 13: P2, [T3F, p3] to last 4 sts, T3F, p1.% C  B& S) I% p6 t
Round 14: P3, [k2, p4] to last st, p1.) T: i  v; \1 T- J. g- p* \! t
Round 15: [P3, T3F] around., J& }: q3 a) b) P0 k7 O7 k; ^
Round 16: [P4, k2] around.
* {. `& q0 ?+ J' p! CRep Rounds 1 through 16 for Cable Pattern.
6 ]+ B7 ^. Y$ r$ f9 V% x
7 h, X) _8 _8 C9 ]' h9 S    F! L5 P8 R4 R6 R: `
DIRECTIONS " K0 X  V# R, l" i
Body0 E. D! s9 N; n* j: C( W
With US #5 circular needle CO 186 [210, 234, 258, 282, 300] sts.
7 ?* f* ]" H! \Place marker and join to work in the round, being careful not to twist.: c  Z# F! ?: S9 P6 C
Work in 4x2 Rib for 8 rounds.
8 n; X7 `0 ]: P, H+ z: I8 UNext round: Change to longer US #6 circular needle and start Cable Pattern.
, m: _3 A; ^4 w( T; o6 DWork 16 rows of Cable Pattern until work measures 13 [13.5, 14, 14.5, 15, 15.5] inches.0 n8 z) \% ^) }5 [; z

7 U/ f' |2 ]# L4 bIMPORTANT: Take note of which pattern round you end on, and write it down! The sleeves will have to end on the same pattern round.9 S- [1 ~! n$ Q3 P; [: p4 n

8 K! V2 Z3 x$ _3 yNext round: Slip 9[9, 9, 12, 12, 12] sts just worked (before marker) onto a st holder, work next 9 [9, 9, 12, 12, 12] sts and slip onto the same holder (18 [18, 18, 24, 24, 24] sts total on holder), work across 75 [87, 99, 117, 129, 138] sts, slip next 18 [18, 18, 24, 24, 24] sts onto a holder, work across remaining 75 [87, 99, 117, 129, 138] sts. ) ~4 K% o1 l. Q0 `
Leave ball of yarn attached.2 u& F' S7 y6 }* q3 h" h' N
7 i* R- h: |4 W5 C  `( m
Left Sleeve% Z9 S3 ?/ a7 i& b; d" d
With US #5 dpns, CO 66 [72, 78, 84, 90, 96] sts.7 S! W# w8 t+ o7 j- P
Place marker and join to work in the round, being careful not to twist.
0 q$ E# n2 p. x4 Z$ A) oWork in 4x2 Rib for 8 rounds.3 X' K9 ?5 W7 s* i. n9 U! t! B
Next round: Change to US #6 needles and start Cable Pattern.
/ Q' t  r: \" e/ W$ }) TOn rows 1, 8 and 16 of cable pattern, inc 1 st before and after marker. Work inc'd sts in purl until all incs have been worked (on row 16). 72 [78, 84, 90, 96, 102] sts
& K( u6 Z% m% h8 J+ U& nMove st marker 3 sts to the left.
+ O- k: g/ Y. b3 S. I2 zOn next round (Cable Patt round 1), begin working cable pattern in inc'd sts.( T  m1 o* \. F, K# X7 O$ F8 Z
Cont in Cable Pattern until work measures 6.5 [7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5] inches. , `3 Z  s, ^' M
  m) r/ D2 j1 j, z# v7 y
IMPORTANT: Make sure you end with the same patt round the body ended with. This is much more important than the sleeves being the right length, as it will ensure that the cable patt flows smoothly into the yoke of the sweater.
: \: V; K; O1 [, q1 ~# C: d3 C5 u. ?4 h+ v
Last Round: Sl 9[9, 9, 12, 12, 12] sts just worked (before marker) onto a st holder, work next 9 [9, 9, 12, 12, 12] sts and sl onto same holder (18[18, 18, 24, 24, 24] sts total on holder), work to end of round. Sl all sts not on holder to spare dpns.6 j8 k6 `- [8 b! H+ C4 t& i
% J/ b: ~/ u9 M" k$ L0 H2 m1 ?! {
Right Sleeve+ D1 |$ j9 p" V6 d2 L$ Q: G
Work as for left sleeve until Last Round.
& k  o$ J4 }3 j4 H. j8 ~Last Round: Slip 12[12, 12, 15, 15, 15] sts just worked (before marker) onto a st holder, work next 6 [6, 6, 9, 9, 9] sts and slip onto same holder (18[18, 18, 24, 24, 24] sts total on holder), work to end of round. Leave rem sts on needles. $ S" [6 q9 A6 F. g# V$ R
4 x* P3 b3 R* Q1 P2 Z6 K" x5 }
SIXTH SIZE ONLY, v/ R- S# E( ^- b, {" x/ G8 H/ W
Work second sleeve to match first.
, k! c. S6 I" i; b; x; {$ K/ P
4 p6 Z* s; o0 ~( jAfter putting the indicated sts on holder, leave rem sts on needles.
; d  S" S" ~: `% ~0 f6 o# ~' k9 o- d5 n. U$ \3 E7 `9 b& g
5 z. m' D& e5 m  J" t( t4 W, YCurrently the ball of yarn attached to the body is sitting at the left back, just before where the sleeve is to be joined. Place a marker on the needle and, beg at this point and cont with next row of Cable Patt, work across 54 [60, 66, 66, 72, 78] sts of left sleeve, 75 [87, 99, 117, 129, 138] of body front, 54 [60, 66, 66, 72, 78] sts of the right sleeve, and 75 [87, 99, 117, 129, 138] of body back. 258 [294, 330, 366, 402, 432] sts
: r" i4 W  a) i: q5 l% S5 R4 F$ XCont in patt without shaping until work measures 18[19, 20, 21, 22, 23] inches.
6 |$ c3 i$ W. a% w5 B: k6 M; B" Z! Y7 u* [! v; F
IMPORTANT: To continue, it is important that your next round begins with 4 purl sts (last round ends with 2 knit sts). If this is not the case, remove the marker and place it just after the last pair of knit sts you worked. This is now the beginning of your round.
+ f% K9 x4 q9 E" N" [4 Y: x7 g" u- G4 R0 D2 A% S" c4 e- s
Neck Shaping" M  ~2 T+ i- \! K9 C3 \( V$ V4 f
& E& q0 b# p( @& C8 w* n
Switch to US #5 needle.
# u7 C( j; Q: v( NRound 1: [P4, k2] around.7 \2 w: _9 M6 V! ?6 e
Round 2: [P1, p2tog, p1, k2] around. 215[245, 275, 305, 335, 360] sts
: ]0 ~9 {! m% rRounds 3-5: [P3, k2] around.9 Y- y: R2 P4 P# w4 ~* K
Round 6: [P1, p2tog, k2] around.9 ~5 g  Y  C0 q( [/ F" C
Round 7: [P2, k2] around. 172[196, 220, 244, 268, 288] sts; a) a4 p, T2 I
+ h* j4 M. Y7 p1 i* s
BO all sts.
  e! A3 W5 z+ {
0 _  j" h- _# g+ qTHIRD SIZE ONLY
0 S3 C0 N) t- o& F7 Q2 ERounds 8 and 9: Same as Round 7.6 x  `3 H- }. D3 s
Round 10: [P2tog, k2, p2, k2] to last 4 sts, p2tog, k2. 192 sts
7 N8 ^1 z' e8 v! ^$ a$ V: `+ S+ ERound 11: [P1, k2, p2, k2] to last 3 sts, p1, k2.# T! {* r# U; L0 P7 s+ f
BO all sts.
+ W: E% T0 v/ @  f
' {# n% e4 ?( ?+ p. FFOURTH AND FIFTH SIZES ONLY
: j' O- S6 w4 A4 q9 T: _Rounds 8 and 9: Same as Round 7.6 q, _! P7 H3 F# w
Round 10: [P2tog, k2] around. 183[201] sts
5 p; [* ]# b! z( [9 K! Q: ~5 k3 n8 qRounds 11-13: [P1, k2] around.
1 ^2 W, m& w' G, @! I; V, B; S  O) |BO all sts.
7 k* ], v' T6 W& D9 C' N$ h. d# P4 M; j& T, M) S2 g
; m+ s3 P$ M) d' Y! O: `Rounds 8 and 9: Same as Round 7.8 }9 u& D0 _) `
Round 10: [P2tog, k2] around. 216 sts rem.' c+ I2 [# Z* u2 K6 U
Rounds 11-13: [P1, k2] around.
7 O# v( t! T/ ~" N/ v3 DRound 14: [P1, k2, p1, k2, p1, k2tog] around. 192 sts" w. F) Q$ E# x7 |0 k2 D
BO all sts.
) N* _1 e; N0 T- w+ P2 Y$ H; M
! [( i* \4 x) c0 F( f0 A  
8 K4 N$ G1 i5 J  |2 W" N9 X3 Y- yFINISHING
% W7 o8 z! z6 X0 k0 qRemove underarm sts from holders and graft sleeve sts to body sts using Kitchener st.
1 U9 A& n( h* \3 h1 tWeave in all ends.
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