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2011-04-14 09:22 红茶凉了 - - 回复2帖

Mochi Plus Fan Shawl

...MODULE 2: CO 25 sts, with right side facing, pick up and knit 25 sts along right side of module 1. Complete as for module 1.MODULE 3: Pick up and knit 25 sts along left side of module 1. Turn and using cable cast on, CO 25 sts. Complete...

2011-07-14 14:39 accountantlu - - 回复9帖

...by Alpaca/ 20% Silk, 109 yards per 25g ball). 4mm (US 6) straight needles and 32 inch circular needle in same size. 4.5mm (US 7) straight needle for bind off. Ring markers or slip markers. 4.0 mm (US F/6) crochet hook for provisional cast on. Scrap yarn. Gauge: 18 sts per 4 inches over patte...

2007-04-10 18:15 blissjoy - - 回复24帖


...ge_1.jpg http://www.ssb2....

2007-03-12 18:46 loye123 - - 回复46帖


file:///C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Tencent\Users\706875105\QQ\WinTemp\RichOle\CFBOG$IZ$Y1CHLWUJIfile:///C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Tencent\Users\706875105\QQ\WinTemp\RichOle\CFBOG$IZ$Y1CHLWUJI[img=200...

2013-11-05 22:22 qingziizi - - 回复0帖


在小朋友的“陪同”和“帮助”下完成的。 周一开工的,周末才完成。 依旧是慢羊羊村长的速度呀。 木办法,要陪小朋友,要照顾小朋友,姐妹们懂的哈。 不多话了,看图吧 先来个合影 2126346 2126348[/...

2012-08-24 10:29 白色巧克力 - 手工diy俱乐部 - 回复3帖


file:///c:/documents and settings/administrator/application data/360se6/User Data/temp/dHEAAAAAAAAA&ek=1&kp=1&pt=0&bo=gAJVAwAAAAABB*Q!&sce=0-12-12&rf=viewer_4.jpgfile:///c:/documents and settings/administrator/application data/360se6/User Data/temp/dHEAAAAAAAAA&ek=1&kp=1&pt=0&bo=gAJV...

2015-10-08 10:53 兰隐于岚 - 棒针编织作品秀 - 回复14帖



2015-10-19 15:11 桐萌的妈妈 - 披肩围巾帽子(钩针) - 回复6帖


...lign=left]As we tiptoe out of winter and creep softly into spring, stay warm, but not weighted down, with our lofty Jasmine Scarf. Each row you knit cultivates columns of caliper cables, like a budding vine, mimicking the world’s awakening.[/fon...

2016-09-14 11:12 onlyadele - 国外精品翻译区 - 回复47帖


本帖最后由 桐萌的妈妈 于 2014-1-9 11:08 编辑 看到糯米团-舒婷钩的一款围巾,很漂亮,非常喜欢。钩法很简单,利用空闲时间钩了一条。2.3米的长度足足可以围两圈,虽然是细线钩的,但是很暖和呢。寒冷的冬天可以围2...

2014-01-07 19:44 桐萌的妈妈 - 披肩围巾帽子(钩针) - 回复14帖


file:///C:\Documents and Settings\jkuhb\My Documents\Tencent Files\1715265590\Image\C2C\UK~DP9V2S2DA4ESB0`_OA%9.jpgfile:///C:\Documents and Settings\jkuhb\My Documents\Tencent Files\1715265590\Image\C2C\UK~DP9V2S2DA4ESB0`_OA%9.jpg file:///C:\Documents and Settings\jku...

2016-11-28 19:55 宋欣霖 - 编织技术求助问答区 - 回复1帖


...由 冷月562 于 2014-12-11 09:50 编辑 file:///c:/documents and settings/administrator/application data/360se6/User Data/temp/TB2qmx5apXXXXazXpXXXXXXXXXX_!!52305958.jpgfile:///c:/documents and settings/administrator/application data/360se6/User Data/temp/TB2qmx5apXXXXazXpXXX...

2014-12-11 09:13 冷月562 - 编织技术求助问答区 - 回复3帖


...ao, the beautiful city besides the seashore which is between the Bohai Sea and the Yellow sea. Nearby, there are Qingdao harbor, Liuting airport, and Jiqing freeway, where the environments are uniquely convenience by both air and seaway. The company founded ...

2008-10-24 18:21 entianqi - - 回复0帖

【宝贝一起爱】 紫风铃111 ----- 仿叶子芭蕾

本帖最后由 紫风铃111 于 2016-6-14 10:17 编辑 5072342 其实衣服早就织好了,一直想等真人秀,无奈衣服的主人上学太忙:titter,其实是在为自己的懒惰找········:sweat。眼...

2016-06-13 10:25 紫风铃111 - 儿童毛衣(棒针) - 回复144帖


...it in two pieces if desired. Increase the number of cast-on stitches by 4, and divide by two to give you the appropriate number to cast on for the front and back. Make increases and decreases at the ends of rows instead of near the markers. Body CO 160 sts; do not turn. Place marker. ...

2006-02-12 17:37 peggyfairy - - 回复33帖


...]Repeat Rows 1 and 2 two more times.CONTINUE IN STITCH PATTERNRow 1 (wrong side): P6, [p1 wrapping yarn twice, p8, p1...

2018-12-30 23:28 摩西摩西33 - 国外精品翻译区 - 回复7帖


.../b] DPN and 24” (+ 32” optional) circular needles US9 Gauge 14 s = 4” Chest measures (flat) 10.5 (12) 14 (15.5) inche...

2013-12-30 10:37 marsling - 国外精品翻译区 - 回复5帖


本帖最后由 晴初雨 于 2019-3-19 11:22 编辑 上次做了个“六孔玲珑枕”不知道尺寸所以大了一点,这次打印了图纸再做了个。:smile 4030280 裁剪布料 4030276 这个六孔玲珑枕外层和里层部分是妈妈...

2015-05-16 13:27 晴初雨 - 手工diy俱乐部 - 回复26帖


...size=6] 珠片马海毛 宝贝图片: file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/My%20Documents/Tencent%20Files/996168763/Image/C2C/~G6ZZ%25K@%7DFH%60XH_S1(7HDOJ.jpg 39731443973145397314739731493...

2015-04-19 10:36 卡帝斯绒线 - 商家活动发布(试用线,团购) - 回复28帖


...ques Here are a few techniques we learned in last week's class -- a left- and right-leaning braid, and a two-color cast on. This is a picture heavy post. If you're interested in any of these techniques they're behind the cut. These techniques are really not that hard. They're decorative and look ...

2009-04-27 14:09 annie634186353 - - 回复3帖