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简单大方宽松春夏线衫钩衣 有图解

本帖最后由 andria1025 于 2016-5-25 15:41 编辑 国外论坛看到一款漂亮的拼花衣衣,很宽松款式不错,就和大家分享下先收藏着了。 PS:有没有姐妹一起钩织的呀 4801410480141148014124...

2016-03-02 15:40 andria1025 - - 回复140帖


file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Application%20Data/Tencent/Users/851516885/QQ/WinTemp/RichOle/ZIRP$ZX6SB6DAF7T$GRM8W5.jpg file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Application%20Data/Tencent/Users/851516885/QQ/WinTemp/RichOle/6DS$~_HNQ%5{Z}6NE8~@6AI.jp...

2012-04-10 13:37 jgjwll - 二手线交易区 - 回复14帖


... yields a coaster about 5 inches in diameter. Experiment with smaller yarn and needles to make area rugs for dollhouses. Directions: Cast on 8 stitches. Row 1: (wrong side) Knit Row 2: K2, yo, K2, turn (leaving 4 unworked stitches on left needle) Row 3: K5 Ro...

2008-06-16 18:49 lini - - 回复3帖


...hanks of elann.com Lisa's Lashes 6.0 mm (US 10) circular needles 40 cm and 60 cm (16?and 24? Stitch markers 2 stitch holders Scrap yarn for provisional cast on. Gauge: 13 sts and 15 rows = 10cm / 4" on 6.0 mm (US 10) needles, measured over stockinette. Directions: For the Original Worsted Weig...

2006-10-21 22:35 tping - - 回复11帖


...ca, SimSun, sans-serif]Replace first dc on each round with 1 ch and finish each round with 1 sl st in ch from beg of round. Turn each row with 1 ch. CROCHET 2 DC TOG: [font=Tahoma, Helvetica, SimSun, sans...

2016-02-27 22:51 小酒窝 - 国外精品翻译区 - 回复7帖


...2014-1-22 09:05 编辑 Every morning you greet me Small and white Clean and bright You look happy to meet me Blossom of snow May you bloom and grow Bloom and grow forever 详细编织过程请点击:[url=http://bbs.bianzhirensheng...

2014-01-21 22:14 旭日东升@ - - 回复27帖


...-56-64 stitches. Then work according to A.1. Knit 1 round with apple green and adjust number of stitches to 54-58-62 stitches. REMEMBER THE KNITTING GAUGE Work sock with apple green until finished. Now keep the first 26-28-30 stitches on needle for heel and slip the last 28-30-32 stitches on a stitc...

2017-03-20 10:03 - (棒针)服装配饰&家居图库 - 回复1帖

.../attach] SCARF INSTRUCTIONS: Using larger needles, cast on 80 stitches and work 2 set-up rows as follows: Set-up row 1: k1f&b, k to last 2 sts, k2tog. Set-up row 2: purl across. Work scarf as follows: Rows 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15: (RS) k1f&b, k to last 2 sts, k2tog. Rows 2, 4, 6, 8, 1...

2011-10-07 05:33 kkcheng - - 回复13帖


在论坛看到了一款围巾,非常喜欢,于是有了这条成品。 线材:小虫家的棉夹闪棉线 钩针:瞳娘7# 尺寸:长约210cm,宽约34cm 原帖地址:http://bbs.bianzhirens...

2015-02-02 19:49 桐萌的妈妈 - 披肩围巾帽子(钩针) - 回复58帖



2015-01-05 10:12 AZW - - 回复0帖


...t on 10 stitches on #1 (new born), #2 or #3 needles for sole. Work back and forth over 2 needles in garter stitches (K all around for 36 rows, 18ridges). Pick up along side, 18 stitches on 1 needle - then 10 stitches on other side with another needle and 18 stitches on third side with same ...

2007-05-08 16:31 刘军 - - 回复32帖


... 针:瞳娘5号 用量:196克 file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Application%20Data/Tencent/Users/2236365246/QQ/WinTemp/RichOle/1~}W file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Application%20Data/Tencent/Users/2236365...

2013-08-17 20:39 wxy080629 - - 回复13帖


文静,订线线啦! 01#烧毛棉杏色112元1斤的棉线:47#淡粉色1斤 支付宝付款 邮编:214031 平邮 给个连接我吧,谢谢!

2008-10-03 17:36 yxh-111 - - 回复1帖


...#474747]– Worsted weight yarn. Black and White and a bit of Bright Yellow – Size H Crochet Hook – Two small black buttons for ...

2016-12-03 10:02 - - 回复3帖

一款围脖 外国字儿说明

...it in Lofty Wool Designed and Knit by Cathy Campbell for Crystal Palace Yarns Description: Cowls and other circular scarves seem to be all the rage these days. This buttoned cowl uses a slip-st rib edge, w...

2010-01-11 16:28 不着边际 - (棒针)女装图库 - 回复30帖

...oing to make a lot of petals in three sizes: Large, Medium and Small. Pay close attention to what stitches you need to make when and where. All bottom corners of the petals are made by three stitches (hdc, dc, hdc) in the same stitch. Each petal has a ...

2015-01-15 16:51 thdnskr - 玩偶问题交流 - 回复3帖

团购 正品 collectioneighteen大牌披肩围巾 高仿羊绒披肩 特大披肩 还包邮噢 五色可选

...简介:Collection 18 is one of the premier leaders in design, brand, licensing, and product development in the Fashion Accessory industry.The company was established in 1982 as a privately-held, fashion accessory company specializing in scarves for designer brands and private label coll...

2011-10-17 15:49 米妈小铺 - - 回复18帖


.../uk/reader/ 是Adobe Reader 9.1 的官方下载链接。 1. Fall and Winter Patterns, Volume 1: (秋冬1) http://www.rakuten.ne.jp/gold/gosyo/new/fw_knit1.htm Fall and Winter Patterns, Volume 2: (秋冬 2) [url=http://www...

2009-06-04 05:18 Lilyan2008 - (棒针)女装图库 - 回复69帖


...图纸上的说明,比如说: DMC 001n 745 - 1 strand of Yellow and 1 strand of Lt. Orange 002 988 - 1 strand of Dk Blue Green and 1 strand of Black 012 561 - 1 strand of BLue Green and 2 strands of Ivory 018 3839 - 2 strands of Grey Blue and 2 stra...

2006-03-09 23:38 zz_zz - 手工diy俱乐部 - 回复7帖


...row1)as foll: Row 1 (RS)Purl (row 16 of pat).Next(inc)row(RS)* 3 times,k1;rep from*9times more,** 2 times,k1;rep from**7 times more, twice--114sts.P 1 row.Cont in lacy knots pat as foll:Row 13(RS) K1 (se...

2008-10-25 18:27 杨柳 - - 回复1帖