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...也不过是L而已嘛 YOKE Pick up lower body and resume working using ball of yarn attached to left front edge, working all sts onto circular needle as follows: Joining Row: Work in pattern to first set of BO sts...

2009-08-04 15:12 逃猪妖妖 - (棒针)女装图库 - 回复103帖


Instructions: Cast on 24. Rows 1 and 2: *K6, P6* Rows 3 and 4: *P1, K5, P5, K1* Rows 5 and 6: *K1, P1, K4, P4, *, K4, P4* repeat *-* until the last 2 stitches, then K1, P1 Rows 7 and 8: P1, K1, P1, K3, P3, * K3, P3* repeat *-* until the last 3 stitches then K...

2012-09-13 13:51 oldtimewoman - (棒针)女装图库 - 回复4帖


...carf designed by Nicky Epstein This floral ring scarf, is self fringing and embroidered with eight daisy stitch flowers in every other ring. SKILL LEVEL:Intermediate YARN WEIGHT:Medium KNITTED MEASUREMENTS 54 in. x 5-1/2 in. + 4 in. fringe MATERIALS ? 4, 50 gm/77 yd skeins of Karabella Ma...

2005-11-25 23:40 桑织 - (棒针)女装图库 - 回复32帖

vitage cardigan pattern,very chic

...rdigan Sweater These directions are for Size 12. Changes for Sizes 14, 16 and 18 are in parentheses. MATERIALS REQUIRED: Columbia-Minerva Knitting Worsted (4 oz skein) - 4(5-5-6) skeins OR Columbia-Minerva Calypso Germantown Knitting Worsted (2 or 4 oz skein) - 18(20-22-24) ozs Knitting...

2008-03-28 11:50 knittingnn - (棒针)女装图库 - 回复5帖


2006-02-04 04:55 kkcheng - (棒针)女装图库 - 回复46帖

一款围脖 外国字儿说明

...it in Lofty Wool Designed and Knit by Cathy Campbell for Crystal Palace Yarns Description: Cowls and other circular scarves seem to be all the rage these days. This buttoned cowl uses a slip-st rib edge, w...

2010-01-11 16:28 不着边际 - (棒针)女装图库 - 回复30帖


.../uk/reader/ 是Adobe Reader 9.1 的官方下载链接。 1. Fall and Winter Patterns, Volume 1: (秋冬1) http://www.rakuten.ne.jp/gold/gosyo/new/fw_knit1.htm Fall and Winter Patterns, Volume 2: (秋冬 2) [url=http://www...

2009-06-04 05:18 Lilyan2008 - (棒针)女装图库 - 回复69帖

...ft]ADDITIONAL MATERIALSOne pair each sizes US 6 and 8 (4 and 5 mm)Crochet hook size US – G/6 (4mm)Yarn needleRow counter FINISHED MEASUREMENTSWrap measures app...

2011-07-14 13:26 accountantlu - (棒针)女装图库 - 回复29帖


...es in circumferenceThe BottomWith the Main Yarn and the double pointed needles, cast on 8 stitches.Place a stitch marker and join for working in the round, being careful to not twist your stitches.Round 1: Knit into the front and bac...

2012-05-25 11:26 tianzhise - (棒针)女装图库 - 回复10帖


...织图表的1-15行1次——前后片和袖子各为79(79,95,95,111111)针。 分袖和身体: 2...

2018-06-02 21:44 爱莉莎 - (棒针)女装图库 - 回复2帖

仿巧手妈咪的 恋秋

... 还不错 先来上传 图 file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Application%20Data/Tencent/Users/704123524/QQ/WinTemp/RichOle/4H5HC%25%25HPZ]Y@T%25$F@](NQV.jpgfile:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Application%20Data/Tencent/Users/7041235...

2013-04-04 14:31 - (棒针)女装图库 - 回复4帖

Rich in texture and dimension—针织设计师Julia Ramsey

... Julia 在费城纺织与科学学院(Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science)学习针织设计。她在伦敦拜师手工编织者Kaffe Fasset,回到美国之后又在纽约布鲁克林的纺织艺术中心作为常驻艺术家待了一年。她曾为Anthropologie, Todd & Duncan, Neim...

2014-06-04 09:51 编织人生 - (棒针)女装图库 - 回复7帖

Van Dyke and Horseshoes Shawl

Van Dyke and Horseshoes Shawl68492916849292 6849292

2019-03-23 10:08 gdab38 - (棒针)女装图库 - 回复1帖

Download and save.

Împărtășesc cu voi o carte cu modele frumoase, diagrame bine imprimate. Descărcați și salvați.

2024-02-17 15:31 Nina69 - (棒针)女装图库 - 回复0帖

pattern--Cable and Bobble Socks

本帖最后由 accountantlu 于 2010-9-5 00:06 编辑 1034288

2010-09-04 12:32 accountantlu - (棒针)女装图库 - 回复6帖


...he same thing happens every February. All the new spring designs come out, and I go in new project overload. It's still plenty cold out, but I'm thinking of cotton and bamboo, cap sleeves and tanks. Even lingerie. I've always thought Spring knows what it's doing with its patterns. They come out in ...

2009-04-27 14:12 annie634186353 - (棒针)女装图库 - 回复3帖



2009-04-06 17:21 欣儿_258 - (棒针)女装图库 - 回复1帖

Afternoon tea cloth and dinner cloth 茶垫和晚餐垫


2012-07-02 10:19 gdab38 - (棒针)女装图库 - 回复7帖

长款手套 选软软的线 图片加文字说明

...led Gauntlets Designed and Knit by Cathy Campbell Materials: 2 - 50 gr. balls Merino Stripes (Pair photo uses color #028 "Sierra Moss") [...

2010-01-12 14:58 不着边际 - (棒针)女装图库 - 回复33帖


...t]The BottomWith the Main Yarn and the double pointed needles, cast on 8 stitches. (NOTE: If you're using Blue Sky Bulky and following this design exactly, you'll end up using almost all of the 4 skeins. So to be on the safe side, don't leave super long ta...

2012-05-25 11:46 tianzhise - (棒针)女装图库 - 回复15帖